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The Need To Curb Gang Rivalry In Osogbo

Sometimes the focus on big issue divers the attention of the teeming populace, especially the security operatives from smaller issues which eventually lead to menace in the society.

The spate of inter gang rivalry in across major towns in Osun State is becoming worrisome, especially as some of the as it sometimes lead to lost of lives and properties, but more disturbing is the rate at which younger minds are influenced to join the bandwagon.

First, the patronage thugs enjoyed during electioneering campaign and the open display of wealth enjoyed by these political thugs has become another source of livelihood, which many school drop outs look up to as a way to earn a living for themselves.

Also, the type of support these thugs/big boys from some police, especially during political crisis has turned them into demigods before their admirers, hence, those who are supposed to be treated as mere criminals becomes some sort of heroes for young school dropouts.

The way some of this big boys thugs openly displayed arrogance, even after harassing innocent citizens in recent times has become a source of worry, especially, as the younger generation watches with keen interest with a view to emulating these warlords in their schools, area of residents and even homes. Some even hide under the cover of these ‘big boys’ to perpetrate many evils and go away scot free.

In recent times, many gang rivalry have caused a lot of damage to many innocent residents, in the last two months, three different bloody gang war occurred in Osogbo, two at a popular bar, while the other one happened around kolawole area right in the presence of security operatives. Similar situation occurred in Ilesa, Ile-Ife and Ikirun, where the monarch’s palace was turned into gladiator’s den.

I am using this medium to call on the state Police Commissioner to reach out to his officers across the state, call them to order and stop shielding criminals from the arm of the law, it is a known fact that most of his officers work hand-in-hand with these big boys to cheat innocent members of the public.

Politicians too must desist from patronising these gangs in the quest to get to authority, they should know that riding to power through the help of thugs render them powerless when these criminals begins to unleash mayhem on the innocent citizenry.

Our politicians must realise that members of their extended families are also residents in various communities in the state and could later be victims of attack from thugs. Most importantly, parents should train the children with the fear of God and ensure they are breeding responsible members of a society, hence, we can all live in peace, otherwise, we would all become victims of our wrong doings tomorrow.

Tobi Esan



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