The two words that are the
bane of Nigeria
are Docility and impunity. The two bodies whose criminal and unpatriotic
silence on electricity the manufactures Association of Nigeria (M.A.N) the
Nigeria labour congress (N.L.C) is it a lie, that the PHCN are inefficient?, is
it a lie, that it is assure of payment, even when they can’t generate power?
The primary duty of a
government is to save us from ourselves, failure to do this is anarchy, but the
pure indulgence of the PHCN is what
we are grappling with today--- pure
incompetence, the arrogant extortion of the masses for services not
rendered, the endorsement of pure
corruption at the close of every family meeting of the federal republic of
Nigeria, it is always loud laughter, and red chamber slapping, simply because
we have gone in there to deceive out selves. Will the two gavels of the green
and red chambers slam the table and give it to Nigeria ?
1. A terminal date to end gas flaring?
2. Legislation to abrogate generating sets importation
into Nigeria ?
It is only these two formulae
that can guarantee victory over system failure in the power sector. Each time Nigeria fries
chicken, it is the cat that stands guard over it.
Is the PHCN fair and just?
PHCN is an organization that is peopled with certificate forgers, who knows
next to nothing, masters of trial by error, if it an were not so, we buy
equipment from the same source as Ghana as an exemplary example for years their
system don’t collapse, consumers are justly billed, I will ask this question
again what is the full meaning of 419? Please don’t task your brains, the
question is PHCN.
PHCN is the password for corruption in Nigeria. If incompetence was the name of a country PHCN
without doubt will be the capital. Replace the noun slanderer from your dictionary
with PHCN, it has embarrassed every government in power YES every government in
power has been powerless utterly helpless to put in chains this destroyer of Nigeria
economy. PHCN is clinical finisher of all governments.
Why has the EFCC failed to
visit any official of the PHCN past or present, with the reported colossal money
that grew wing in the development of the power sector? Agreed that such monies
never be traced or recovered as it is tradition in Nigeria then I make bold to
demand that it should be traded for the permanent
abolition of estimated billing, reparation of huge sums collected for services
not rendered and outright cancellation of the choking debt fisted on the
consumers by way of stealing by trick a.k.a my to 2, think of your
children, if you are well-off, think of your relatives, their children and
their grand children, will you honestly wish your children who are doing well
abroad to bring their businesses to Nigeria, when those in Nigeria are doing
Usain Bolt with their machinery to Ghzana or south Africa? I have capture and
surrendered you to your conscience, the greatest judge, when system are down,
the bill are in pole position.
We are not facing the
government, we don’t have the wherewithal to do so, it is the government that
should save us from the PHCN marketers, who will bill us crazily and in turn be
negotiating how they will help us cancel what he had written with his hand for
a fee, the government should save us from the station managers, who knows he
does not have electricity supply, yet he will give orders for the bill to be
shared. We beg the government to save us from the business Manager of all
districts, who knows it is the communities that contribute money to fix PHCN
installation when it is down, but does not see any wrong in demanding money for
services not rendered, as all bill are printed in the business District of
is God and not government who will save Nigerians from the CEOs in all PHCN zones in Nigeria for setting revenue target
down the line knowing fully well that, what they generate is darkness not
light. I will always celebrate this enigma, right in Bamidele Aturu trust.
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